Category: Session

Equal access for all learners to quality mathematics education

Symposium 1

JOIN EVENT Session chair: Riikka Mononen Predictors of early mathematics performance – developmental interplay between cognitive, motivational, and affective factors Organizer: Riikka Mononen, Department of Special Needs Education, University of Oslo,,  Summary Already in early childhood, there are individual differences in how children perform in mathematics, and this performance has been shown to…
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Paper session 6

JOIN EVENT Session chair: Margrét Björnsdóttir ​Paper 1: Developing whole-class teaching practices for preventing mathematical difficulties: Arithmetic strategies in 1st to 3rd grade Maria Grove Christensen Sofiendalskolen, Aalborg, Abstract Excessive use of counting strategies in single-digit addition has been linked to mathematical difficulties (Snorre Ostad). In my experience, as a math teacher and teacher-consultant, teaching with an aim for increasing…
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Paper session 5

JOIN EVENT Session chair: Anette Bagger Paper 1: Factor structure and grade-level development in the new digital Functional Numeracy Assessment (FUNA) tool for grades 3–9 Johan Korhonen, Åbo Akademi University, Vasa, Co-authors: Pekka Räsänen, Mikko-Jussi Laakso, Anu Laine, Airi Hakkarainen, Eija Väisänen, Teemu Rajala, Ulrika Ekstam, & Pirjo Aunio  Abstract Early identification of children at…
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Paper session 4

JOIN EVENT Session chair: Johan Korhonen Paper 1: What makes it so difficult at upper secondary school? School staff’ views of what influences vocational students’ poor goal achievement in mathematics Karoline Holmgren, Umeå University, Department of Science and Mathematics Education, PRESENTATION (PDF) Abstract This paper reports findings of an ongoing project about mathematics at vocational programs in a…
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Paper session 3

JOIN EVENT Session chair: Jónína Vala Kristinsdóttir Paper 1: Achievement emotions, self-concept, and value in Norwegian school beginners’ mathematics studies Anna Maria Rawlings, Department of Special Needs Education, University of Oslo and Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki, Co-authors: Markku Niemivirta, Johan Korhonen, Marcus Lindskog, Heta Tuominen,and Riikka Mononen Abstract Mathematics-related enjoyment, anxiety,…
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Paper session 2

JOIN EVENT Session chair: Bjarnheiður Kristinsdóttir Paper 1: Counting in year one as predictor for achievement in year four in Danish students Pernille Bødtker Sunde, VIA University College, Aarhus. Co-authors: Pernille Ladegaard Pedersen and Peter Sunde Abstract Knowledge of early predictors of later achievement is important to detect students at risk of developing mathematical difficulties…
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Paper session 1

JOIN EVENT Session chair: Henrik Husberg Paper 1: Individual differences in children’s early numeracy skills during a kindergarten year Heidi Hellstrand, Faculty of Education and Welfare Studies, Åbo Akademi University, Vasa, . Co-authors: Johan Korhonen, Pirjo Aunio  Abstract Early numeracy (EN) skills have been determined to be vital for later learning in mathematics (Geary et al., 2018). There are…
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