Category: Symposium

Equal access for all learners to quality mathematics education

Symposium 4

JOIN EVENT Session chair: Helena Roos Access in mathematics education Organiser: Helena Roos, Linnaeus University, PRESENTATION (PDF) Summary The focus of this symposium is on access for every student in inclusive mathematics education. Based on four papers, access is explored and problematized from different perspectives. Firstly, we address the question of who the student…
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Symposium 3

JOIN EVENT Session chair: Paulo Tan Disability and inclusive equity in light of old and new frontiers of mathematics assessment Organizer: Paulo Tan, Summary The present symposium is about disability and inclusive equity (i.e., relational and intersectional disability justice) within and beyond mathematics classrooms. Our proposed symposium places these two spheres under the microscope…
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Symposium 2

JOIN EVENT Session chair: Lena Lindenskov Assessment and Treatment of Dyscalculia Organiser: The Nordic Dyscalculia Research Network. Co-ordinators of the Symposium: Lena Lindenskov,  and Pekka Räsänen, PRESENTATION (PDF) Abstract Mathematical skills are essential for both individuals and societies. People with poor numeracy have poorer educational prospects; they earn less and are more likely…
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